Hudson Valley HorsePlay
Kerhonkson, NY 12446
(845) 616 - 3608
Hudson Valley HorsePlay partners people with horses for a variety of benefits:
Stress Reduction & Anxiety Relief
Increased Confidence
Improved Social Skills
Enhanced Leadership
Better Personing,
Better Parenting
Better Partnering !
Let our herd help you reach your personal and professional goals.

Why Horses?
Horses are highly intuitive and sensitive beings who connect with us in ways that help us understand our behaviors and emotions. They can reflect to us things that we otherwise aren't able to see in ourselves or our lives. Horses are 100% honest with their feedback and in a non-judgemental manner. They make it okay to try new perspectives and behaviors that can reshape beliefs and create life changes.

Hello, my name is Cori Nichols and I would like to personally welcome you and extend a thank you for visiting Hudson Valley HorsePlay.
HorsePlay activities bring individuals, families and groups together with one or more horses for an experiential learning experience. Participants can learn about their communication patterns, approaches to problem-solving, relationship styles and more. Horses are play, prey and herd animals which means they naturally carry themselves with increased awareness. Horses are always honest and can provide immediate feedback to their human partners body language, emotions and behaviours. Horses are non-judgemental- so no matter who you are - they'll tell it like it is!
With this information, our clients have the opportunity to explore new ways and means of engaging . . . . not just with the horses but with those outside of the arena (parents, peers, colleagues, siblings, spouses, and others.)

Please Email HorsePlay , or call/text (845) 616 - 3608 . Let's get going!